Data Fields Collected

These tables contain a summary of the information telemetered from FleetLink vessels.

Vessel Information

The vessel information file ("vessel_info.dat") contains basic, fairly static information about each vessel that has telemetered information to the data server. The information contained in this file includes such things as the vessel name, vessel owner, and length. The complete list of field names and their meanings are shown in the table below. Field names (variable names) for the "vessel_info" file are as follows:

Field name DescriptionUnits Precision/resolution
vessel_name Name of vessel text string 25 characters
coast_guard_# Coast Guard number text string 13 characters
home_port Home port for
the vessel
text string 20 characters
length Vessel length meters ± 1 meter
year_built Year vessel built year 4 digits
engine_type Type of engine text string 11 characters
horsepower Engine(s) horsepower hp digits
hold_capacity Vessel's hold capacity tbd tbd
vhf_call_sign VHF call sign text string 13 characters
hf_call_sign HF call sign text string 12 characters
cell_phone_number cell phone number text string 12 characters


Vessel Catch Files

The vessel catch files contain information about each vessel trip, the tows made and the fish caught (catches) during each tow. The table below describes the field names contained in these files.

Field name DescriptionUnits Precision/resolution
vessel_name Name of vessel text string 25 characters
captain Captain's name
for this trip
text string 25 characters
port_of_origin Port of origin text string 25 characters
port_of_return Port of return text string 25 characters
time_date_of_departure Time and date
of departure ¹;
date 30 characters¹
time_date_of_return Time and date
of rerturn ¹;
date 30 characters¹

Field name DescriptionUnits Precision/resolution
port_of_origin Port of origin text string 25 characters
tow number Tow number number 3 digits
tow_starting_date_time_year Tow starting year, month,
day, and time
Date 20 characters
tow_starting_latitude Starting latitude for this tow Decimal degrees ±0.0001°
tow_starting_longitude Starting longitude for this tow Decimal degrees ±0.0001°
tow_ending_date_time_year Tow ending year, month,
day, and time
Date 20 characters
tow_ending_latitude Ending latitude for this tow Decimal degrees ±0.0001°
tow_ending_longitude Ending longitude for this tow Decimal degrees ±0.0001°
tow_average_depth Average tow depth tbd tdb

Field name DescriptionUnitsPrecision/resolution
species Species name in words text string 22 characters
species_code Species code text string 3 or 4 characters
amount Amount caught pounds (unless
otherwise noted)
4 digits


1. Format for this date may change and be replaced with individual field names, such as day, month, year, time.

2. "tbd" means "to be determined"; that is, we are still discussing the best values for this entry

3. "n/d" means no data reported for this field name

Athena Data Files

The vessel athena files contain information about each vessel's underway or alongtrack information such as position, time and date, sea surface temperature, air temperature, and other meteorological measurements. However, not all parameters are collected on each vessel. It depends on what sensors are available on each vessel. The table below describes the field names contained in these files.

Field name DescriptionUnits Precision/resolution
vessel_name Name of vessel text string 25 characters
year_start Starting year for
this segment
year 4 digits
month_start Starting month for
this segment
month number 2 digits, 1 - 12
day_start Starting day for
this segment
day number 2 digits, 1 - 31
time_start Starting time for
this segment
time 24 hour clock,
as 1435.3

Field name DescriptionUnits Precision/resolution
year Year year 4 digits
month Month month number 2 digits, 1 - 12
day Day day number 2 digits, 1 - 31
time Local time time 24 hour clock,
as 1435.3
lat Latitude Decimal degrees ±0.0001
lon Longitude Decimal degrees ±0.0001
wind_speed Apparent wind speed meters per second ±0.05
wind_direction Apparent wind direction degrees ±0.5
press_bar Barometric pressure millibars ±0.5
humidity Relative humidity percent ±0.05
temp_air Air temperature degrees centigrade ±0.05
temp_ss1 Sea surface temperature degrees centigrade ±0.0005


Last modified: June 22, 2000